Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Re: Re: Banana War Pt 2 My 1st Live Action Vid Outdoors! Woot!

Duration: 02:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-28 16:23:39

Help on the way!!!


nancyleeould  2007-07-31 20:49:34

Yup we sure are! LOL. Want to joinn in? Fell free anytime. Hugs~Nancy
shamshap  2007-07-31 16:06:22

You are two wild and crazy gals!
nancyleeould  2007-07-31 14:01:34

Sing? We can sing? just get carried away ar times and 'think' we can sing...LOL Big hugs~Nancy
flydarling  2007-07-31 12:22:18

Oh you two are a right pair I can see that! Great fun. As if two for the price of one wasn't enough, you throw in singing as well. Cheers, Lesley
Pippilly  2007-07-30 01:12:02

Oh I so like that idea! Brlliant! You know I love brains ; )

the remus lupins- wizard rock

Duration: 03:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-27 18:22:26

another video from whimsic alley, and my third video of this song :] this time with no singing either :]


Route 66

Duration: 03:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-21 09:00:01

AMR too


the dead milk men if you love someone set them on fire

Duration: 02:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-21 18:50:36

Here's a link to a video with better sound quality AND a video, if you want it. Mine sucked because I did it with a webcam. I don't have a video editor, so it was gonna sound bad no matter what. :P


ZomBEEandJesus  2008-03-05 16:54:09

Anyone else not seeing anything. Oh I get it, Dead Milkmen forgot to turn lights on.
bluebettle  2008-03-03 10:19:40

deadlaughter2  2008-01-20 10:58:45

I love nostalgia. This song reminds me of the first time I set somebody on fire. Good times.
newtkrad  2008-01-13 17:09:04

erhhh poor quality.. still a nice song
cromag35  2008-01-05 05:45:02

amigrimbunny I could not of said it better myself , same thing here, they are High School, first love, first LSD trip, all that good shit, their music was always in the background of my youth.

What does Christmas mean to you? Part 2

Duration: 06:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-27 16:43:03

I have observed over the last 10 years how commericalized Christmas has gotten...and it makes me sad.


EssenceOfTruth  2007-12-21 23:53:34

Hehehe! I had to tell it like it is since some people here like to brush other things like that. Merry Christmas to you,too! ^___~*
RavenGilbert  2007-12-21 23:05:34

100% true. I love this video. that's sooo true!!!!! omg ! :[ PS:Merry Christmas
EssenceOfTruth  2007-12-03 08:30:48

Hehehehe! Really? Omgoodness! We have alot in common! Heheh! That is really really cool. ^___^*
ztech24  2007-12-03 03:57:33

Hi! Hi! It seems like I've been watching your videos all weekend. LOL~ It's nice to see intelligent people on YouTube. You should be the new face of the website! MERRY CHRISTMAS! (^_^)v ~ZB24~ PS> I think I own that Christmas CD you're listening to... weird. (@_@)
Serenityandhersims  2007-12-02 17:31:17

OoO I'm excited =D

Shiri maimon singing hatikva

Duration: 02:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-19 07:10:00

Shiri maimon singing hatikva before a soccer game - Si vous aimez ce chanteur, soutenez-le en achetant ses albums.


Russelbrother7777  2008-02-17 11:14:44

well i dont see you dying for it. so many of you foreign jews are prepared to support Israel on youtube,but not where it counts. put your ass on the battlefield,you bunch of little hypocritical cowards.
Ammyai  2008-02-07 11:54:01

You are very wrong - men do cry, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. Shalom Israel!!!!
PokinoiD  2008-01-21 12:11:21

Le hymne national le plus étonnant. Il me fait toujours pleurer. On croit déjà entendre toute la souffrance et la peine parmi les paroles d'espoir. Merveilleux tout simplement.
fenyecske  2007-08-12 11:35:52

Shalom Israel!!!!!Starr!!!!!
cadette3004  2007-08-10 08:43:12

tresbelle chanson de la part d un francais shalom

Vinnie Colauita - Drum Solo

Duration: 02:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-02-06 15:38:26

Vinnie Colauita, possibly the greatest drummer on the planet right now, playing a solo leading into a Big Band song played by the Buddy Rich big band. This was on the memorial concert quite a while ago.


disturbed663  2008-03-25 03:00:09

neil pert is better
SNESguy  2008-03-20 17:37:21

Vinnie is the best drummer in the world
juanbarros88  2008-03-09 01:54:52

He does better with Zappa, He does some weird stuff and some odd time signatures (like 19/16).
juanbarros88  2008-03-09 01:52:03

I dont like Vinnie that much here, He probably was into speed that day. Where are the polyrhythms and where's 5????? He certainly is more creative than this. I think people can think he is overrated in this video. Is not his greatest performance
juanbarros88  2008-03-09 01:45:55

with two you can add color to the bass, you can do many other things... I not a double pedal guy yet, because I wanna be really good with one first. I dont like when people use double pedal like metal drummers, they use it all the time and its not creative at all. Double pedal for me just adds color and you can do more figures with the bass, just dont use it all the time

Welsing on FTP-Part2A: Checkmating the Black King

Duration: 10:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-04 20:00:59

"For The People": Part2 (Segment A) of a Six Part interview with psychiatrist Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing by the late Listervelt Middleton. Part 2 is continued respectively in Segments 2B & 2C. Part1 (Segments A, B, & C) of this interview is available in the "videos" section this channel. To automatically "Play All" parts, please go to the playlists section.

Stacy's mom (sims 2)

Duration: 03:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-21 17:35:13

stacys mom vedio made with sims 2


jjay9871  2008-03-01 17:43:12

umm i used windows movie maker it gives you the option to add music
bluesky1334  2008-02-28 23:12:09

nicc vidioo ! Yes, Now we're talking. Good video. And really good quality, I can see you used the codes. Really good job. =) Keep it up=) how do u add music
fishbugg  2008-02-11 22:07:34

nicc vidioo !
BenedikteBI  2008-01-24 10:11:38

This vid was funny :P And.. I knew that soong ;D I was singing x'D
MissLittleSCD  2008-01-22 11:10:07

Yes, Now we're talking. Good video. And really good quality, I can see you used the codes. Really good job. =) Keep it up=)


Duration: 05:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-04 17:04:37

Customer call to Idea Mobile call centre. VISIT US @ WWW.MYCAMPUZ.NET


MYCAMPUZ  2008-03-06 12:29:49

thankz 4 ur reply
Rosakutty1  2008-03-06 10:54:49
