Thursday, September 27, 2007

Zawody motolotniowe Łomża 2007

Duration: 10:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-03 05:40:18
User: mojaoka
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Zawody motolotniowe - Łomża 2007. Film udostępniony przez Pana Henryka Pragacz.

Korona HiD II Ostrołęka - Wkra Żuromin 1:1 k. 2:3

Duration: 06:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-26 14:20:59
User: mojaoka
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IV runda PP na Mazowszu Korona HiD II Ostrołęka - Wkra Żuromin 1:1 k. 2:3


Kobra1986 ::: Favorites
Co to za piskliwy dzieciak tam mordę darł?:)
07-09-27 01:58:50

10 Things to Say in Spanish to Pick Up a Girl

Duration: 04:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-25 19:16:43
User: 10thingsTV
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10 sweet, sexy, Spanish phrases to help you pick up the senorita of your dreams!


TeamS811 ::: Favorites
This is a good concept to teach spanish, but it's really boring.
07-09-27 10:33:53
naylo85 ::: Favorites
I know u trying to help people to speak spanish BUT most of the question are not correctly translated .. sorry ...
07-09-27 10:27:02
dragonboy456 ::: Favorites
1. if you need to be taught what to say, you aint gonna succeed... 2. thinking you can memorize 10 lines and that will carry you through a conversation into the sack, sorry, stick to playboy, or Lowrider 3. its insulting to think that the only thing Spanish is good for is to learn just enough to sleep with a spanish speaking woman... clearly this is for condescending Estados Unidenses who think little of the world and its neighbors..
07-09-27 09:39:55
RASM2006 ::: Favorites
Very Good you are doing.. Im form venezuela and sorry you I need to correc. Que es tu nomre is wrong. you may ask . Cual es tu nombre? there are some bad gramar error.. if you want I help you .. but very good you want to help.. see you
07-09-27 09:01:28
cubicletrumpet ::: Favorites
I thought it was impolite to ask a girl her age? Oh well, if you say so.
07-09-27 08:45:14
jiggacoy ::: Favorites
how do you say ... "i'd like to bone you, how much??"
07-09-27 08:39:51
MEXNaruto ::: Favorites
hhhhmmmmmmm?im MEX so i do understand but these help u pick up a gurl,i guess it duz
07-09-27 08:29:03
dmcwebd ::: Favorites
pega na minha hola sua puta
07-09-27 08:25:35
Carolyn1pa4 ::: Favorites
My name is Amber, i just put a new vid of myself up, i get pretty much naked. I think my body is beautiful and i want to share it with other people. I was raised in a mormon house and taught that my body was to be ashamed of...well hell with my parents, I'm in college now n' I'm 20 years old! So check it out and holla at me if u wanna hang out some time, i don't have a boyfriend...yet. Kissez Amber <3
07-09-27 07:11:36
sebdsouza ::: Favorites
now how do i pick up a girl in swahili?
07-09-27 06:30:59

10 lat zespołu De-eM cz. 1

Duration: 08:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-18 02:23:00
User: mojaoka
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10 lat zespołu De-eM cz. 1, powtórka koncertu jubileuszowego, sala widowiskowa OCK, niedziela 17 czerwca 2007

FIR 月牙灣

Duration: 05:12 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-17 15:08:42
User: nlrdtb
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FIR 月牙灣 敦煌古墓的砂礫 帶著我們的記憶 我從半路看回去 這秦關漫漫好彎曲 夢想穿過了西域 包含了多少的禪意 愛情像是一本遊記 我會找尋她的謎語 看 月牙灣下的淚光 在絲路之上被遺忘 是誰的心阿 孤單的留下 她還好嗎 我多想愛他 拿永恆的淚 凝固的一句話 也許可能蒸發 是誰的愛阿 比淚水堅強 輕聲呼喚 就讓我溶化 用一滴雨水 演化成我翅膀 向著我愛的人 追吧


angelicdevilishping ::: Favorites
Ooh ah qin's hair looks so cool!
07-09-22 02:26:22
alicejia ::: Favorites
hiEs..they Onli hAve onE New sonG in A albuM huh..?? can ask Them to HAve A karoeoke VersiOn On VCD NOtS DVD..Cause DVDs toO soFt canNOt SinG louD enouGh^^THXX~xDD
07-09-21 01:39:56
ziniagraphy ::: Favorites
nice!!! this is the first time i have ever listened to FIR's songs in detail and i must admit they rock. just to ask, are they popular in taiwan?
07-09-20 12:02:16
Langerfield ::: Favorites
faye!! u r outstanding!!
07-09-19 23:25:43
Sweetsssss ::: Favorites
07-09-19 21:11:26
abstractskytwo ::: Favorites
NICE SONG-- faye looks soooo pretty
07-09-19 20:57:53
kokkiat ::: Favorites
阿沁的发型好梦幻哦.. nlrdtb回来就好,要保重,大家都需要你..
07-09-18 13:56:41
SparkleMelody ::: Favorites
"很多事~大家心知肚明就好!!".. nice to have u back!!
07-09-18 08:18:59
deviscos ::: Favorites
07-09-18 05:29:51
munchandmunch ::: Favorites
great song! :D loves fir! ^^
07-09-18 03:24:41


Duration: 11:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-17 16:49:51
User: nlrdtb
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keikai89 ::: Favorites
haha yeah the paparazzi will always chase after him...sad but exciting at the same time. Like the recent news of him and ella watching a bb match and were caught by paparazzi again.
07-09-18 13:06:02
rainiemike ::: Favorites
honestly, i don't really like chun's buff body. *sigh* too bad.. cos he's CUTE!
07-09-18 11:22:35
StarrylynK ::: Favorites
Wu Chun ROCKS!!
07-09-18 04:44:33
Babyfacegurl ::: Favorites
hahaha CHun really loves to eat XD
07-09-17 19:31:41

Hutnik Warszawa - Narew Ostrołęka 0:1 (0:0)

Duration: 03:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-25 04:32:39
User: mojaoka
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IV. liga piłki nożnej. Hutnik Warszawa - Narew Ostrołęka 0:1 (0:0)


bartfromwarsaw ::: Favorites
HKS! :)
07-03-30 15:41:54

"Kamienne Ogrody" w Ostoi

Duration: 04:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-13 18:17:36
User: mojaoka
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"Kamienne Ogrody" w Ostoi przed WOŚP


PARWEL ::: Favorites
Extra, I wait for more clips
07-03-21 12:39:38


Duration: 00:27 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-20 13:56:10
User: nlrdtb
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rainie01 ::: Favorites
07-09-20 18:12:40
jactweetybi ::: Favorites
thank you ^^
07-09-20 15:38:36

「ギャルル」 - Boom Boomめっちゃマッチョ! - bodybuilding

Duration: 03:27 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-19 08:07:15
User: coogle118
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Otwarcie wystawy drzeworytów Salvadora Dali

Duration: 08:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-09 14:34:01
User: mojaoka
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Otwarcie wystawy drzeworytów Salvadora Dali

魔法のコトバ 「スピッツ」- ハチミツとクローバー - 海

Duration: 04:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-07 12:42:49
User: coogle118
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Święto Pracy - 1 maja

Duration: 01:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-01 05:09:22
User: mojaoka
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Urywek przemówienia władz SLD w Ostrołęce podczas święta 1 maja.