Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Vinnie Colauita - Drum Solo

Duration: 02:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-02-06 15:38:26

Vinnie Colauita, possibly the greatest drummer on the planet right now, playing a solo leading into a Big Band song played by the Buddy Rich big band. This was on the memorial concert quite a while ago.


disturbed663  2008-03-25 03:00:09

neil pert is better
SNESguy  2008-03-20 17:37:21

Vinnie is the best drummer in the world
juanbarros88  2008-03-09 01:54:52

He does better with Zappa, He does some weird stuff and some odd time signatures (like 19/16).
juanbarros88  2008-03-09 01:52:03

I dont like Vinnie that much here, He probably was into speed that day. Where are the polyrhythms and where's 5????? He certainly is more creative than this. I think people can think he is overrated in this video. Is not his greatest performance
juanbarros88  2008-03-09 01:45:55

with two you can add color to the bass, you can do many other things... I not a double pedal guy yet, because I wanna be really good with one first. I dont like when people use double pedal like metal drummers, they use it all the time and its not creative at all. Double pedal for me just adds color and you can do more figures with the bass, just dont use it all the time

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